
Case 1: HAA Writer Sato's "Recommendation of Bathing by Hand"

【連載│暮らしのなかの深呼吸】 Case1.HAAライター佐藤の場合 "手浴のすすめ”
Products introduced in this post
HAA for bath 900g
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¥5,830Excluding tax
¥5,830Excluding tax
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In this series, we will highlight the daily lives of our unique HAA members and introduce their own "deep breathing life.

The members are diverse in age, gender, place of residence, and lifestyle, but what they all have in common is the desire to "live a life with deep breathing. We will also introduce specific ways to use HAA for bath, so please take a look at it as a reference for your product selection.

In this first installment, I, Sato, who is in charge of planning and writing for HAA's journal, will introduce my life.



Chiemi Sato (age 33) lives in Kyoto City

Occupation: Freelance writer and editor
Family: Husband, two kindergarten children
Hobbies: Pottering, visiting coffee shops

Schedule for a day


A Day Busy with Housework, Work and Childcare
My day consists of three pillars: housework, work and childcare.
I wake up to the sound of my children's voices, and after waking up, it's a busy morning of making lunch and breakfast in minutes. After dropping them off at kindergarten, I concentrate on my work.


Since she is a freelancer, she often works from home, and sometimes takes a break from work to walk 30 minutes to the supermarket to cook reserve greens and get some exercise.
When the children come home from kindergarten, I play with them and talk with them while I do the evening chores, finishing putting them to bed by 8:00 p.m. At night I check the manuscripts I wrote during the day and prepare for interviews.
The day goes by quickly, but I try to find a comfortable way of living through trial and error so that I can have HAA time between work and time with my children.

Deep breathing in daily life Deep Breathing in Our Lives

1. Lunch break hand baths are booming

After finishing work in the morning, the hour during lunch break is an important time to take a breather.

After typing long, concentrated sentences at work, my hands tend to get sore and achy. Recently, I have been enjoying taking a hand bath during my lunch break.


The best thing about taking a hand bath is that it is easy and relaxing. Put about 3 spoons of HAA for bath in a basin of hot water and stir.
Relax while slowly massaging your hands after a long day of computer work.


This is my favorite HAA time because it warms my hands and I feel like it relieves my fatigue.

Please see this article for specific instructions on how to take a hand bath.

2. Bathing time with children.


In the evening, I pick up the kids from kindergarten and take a bath as soon as I get home. The children are delighted when I say, "Let's put in some bath salts today. The children were so excited when I said, "Let's put in some bath salts today.
The children soak in the bathtub longer than usual, saying things like, "It's nice hot water, isn't it?
Although the atmosphere is not conducive to taking a deep breath, taking a bath together as a family is one of our daily pleasures.


3. 30 minutes of me time before bed.

Ideally, the 30 minutes before bed should be spent stretching, reading a book or magazine, and relaxing. However, the reality is that it can be quite difficult ....... Still, getting under the covers before the date changes is a promise I have made to myself for more than 10 years. I believe that getting enough sleep will put me in a good mood tomorrow.

Incorporate HAA time well "in between" and "while you're at it".



Childcare, housework, and work.

Because I spend my days in a flurry of work, childcare, and housework, I would like to adopt the habit of taking deep breaths "in between" work or when I am out shopping.
If I can relax by taking a deep breath, my family will feel the same way.
The new school year has just begun. In order to be close to my nervous children, I would like to spend my time being conscious of taking a deep breath myself first.


In this way, this series of articles will introduce HAA members' lives with deep breathing. Please look forward to the next installment.

Products introduced in this post
HAA for bath 900g
Regular price
¥5,830Excluding tax
¥5,830Excluding tax
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編集部 HAA
編集部 HAA

Special Edition

For you
and your special someone.

A bath powder enveloped in words, containing approximately 10 baths' worth of "HAA for bath". Give yourself or special someone time for deep breaths.

"HAA for bath Everyday life"

60g×10 packets¥5,280 Tax included

Our product list to help you incorporate touji (bath healing) into everyday life

HAA for bath sample set
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HAA for bath Hibi (5 packets)
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HAA for bath 900g
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HAA for bath Hibi (5 packets)
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HAA for bath 900g
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HAA for bath Hibi (10 packets)
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