Special Edition


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日々の疲れを癒し、贅沢なひとときを贈る、特別なギフトボックスを数量限定で作りました。HAAオリジナルの香りが漂うsheepのアロマソイキャンドル、YARN HOMEのHAAオリジナルカラータオル、そして心がじんわり満ちていくエッセイが包まれた入浴剤5個がセットに。今年もがんばったあなたへ、そして大切な人へ、お疲れさまの気持ちを贈りませんか?


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¥6,600Excluding tax
¥6,600Excluding tax
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Estimated delivery time: 1~3営業日以内

YARN HOMEのHAAオリジナルカラータオル
洗濯を重ねるほどに、ふかふかの柔らかさを増す心地良い肌触りのYARN HOMEのタオル。吸水性や速乾性も抜群で、使うほどに良さを実感できます。ギフトボックス限定のHAAオリジナルカラーでお届けします。

Turn your bath at home into a natural hot spring. HAA for bath's 4 secrets.

Mixing natural ingredients processed by hand by artisans.Spend relaxing time with the gentle bathwater of "HAA for bath".


"Beppu yunohana", precious hot spring essence made by hand from the Edo period.

The main ingredient of "HAA for bath" is yunohana, or mineral deposit from hot springs, which has been made in Beppu from nearly 350 years ago. These crystals only react to the blue clay found in the mountains of Beppu. By combining Beppu yunohana components with alkaline hot spring components in a delicate balance, we have achieved a bathwater quality rich in natural minerals, while being smooth and soft to the skin.


Let your body feel lasting warmth with our bathwater rich in minerals.

Adding “HAA for bath” to your bath results in milky, thick bathwater. The mineral components in the bathwater gently covers your skin and prevents your body heat from dissipating, resulting in lasting warmth after bathing.


No use of sulfur which damages bathtubs

Sulfuric components, which cause damage to bathtubs, have been removed from “HAA for bath” during its production. Enjoy the feeling of bathing in a natural hot spring at home.


Fragrance-free so everyone can use it without worrying

We haven’t used any fragrances in order to make our product easy to use for everyone, including babies over 3 months of age, pregnant persons, and elderly persons.

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Media appearances

How our products are made

"HAA for bath" is a precious bath powder
made from artisans' craft and experimentation.
Learn more about its special ingredients and manufacturing process here.

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Product details

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セスキ炭酸Na※、ホウ酸※、酸化チタン、別府温泉精製湯の花エキス、酒石酸、加水分解カゼイン液、ポリアクリル酸Na、ポリアクリル酸、ベントナイト、ステアリン酸PEG、BG ※は「有効成分」、無表示は「その他の成分」
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Special Edition

For you
and your special someone.

A bath powder enveloped in words, containing approximately 10 baths' worth of "HAA for bath". Give yourself or special someone time for deep breaths.

"HAA for bath Everyday life"

60g×10 packets¥5,280 Tax included